Management and enhancement

interim use

Bremen's city centre has been in great demand as an investment location for several years. The current and projected construction projects will strengthen the city centre in the long term. In the short and medium term, however, the projects can also have a negative impact on the attractiveness of the location due to vacancies, construction phases and traffic obstructions. To counteract this, the CityInitiative launched the "Interim Use Management" project back in 2012.

The aim of the project is to actively absorb existing and foreseeable deficits in the city centre with cultural, creative and informative concepts and thus to develop strengths for the city centre from temporary weaknesses and to shape a positive attitude among city centre visitors. This applies both to the vacancies mentioned and to temporary uses in the public space. In this way, unattractive locations are upgraded and good location qualities are preserved.

The interim use projects of the CityInitiative are made possible by funding from the Senator for Economics, Labour and Europe.

Current interim use projects

Zwischennutzung „Vision City“ - Stadtentwicklungsausstellung 

Im Rahmen einer Ausstellung zur innerstädtischen Stadtentwicklung informiert die CityInitiative Bremen über den aktuellen Stand und Planungen. Die Ausstellung zeigt die wichtigsten Bauprojekte, regt zur Auseinandersetzung mit den aktuellen Stadtentwicklungs- und Verkehrsthemen an und erfreute sich in den vergangenen Jahren einer hohen Resonanz. Die zahlreichen Projektideen der privaten Investoren sowie die Maßnahmen der Stadtgemeinde Bremen stellt die CityInitiative Bremen in einer begleitenden Stadtentwicklungsbroschüre zusammen. Die Broschüre findet eine rege Nachfrage bei Projektentwicklern, Bauherren, der Verwaltung und den Bürgerinnen und Bürgern und ist kostenfrei für die Besucherinnen und Besucher in der Ausstellung erhältlich. Die stetige Information über das Thema Stadtentwicklung im Rahmen des Projektes wird von der Stadtgesellschaft, der Bau- und Wirtschaftsbehörde ebenso geschätzt wie von den Innenstadtbesuchern und Kunden der Bremer City.


CityGalerie - changing exhibitions at changing locations.

The CityGalerie is the most established temporary use concept of the CityInitiative. Twice a year, exhibitions by Bremen artists are shown in the CityGalerie on topical themes - in other words, the artists largely create their artworks directly for the exhibition. The overarching themes are generated from cooperations with local cultural and edutainment institutions, e.g. with the Kunsthalle Bremen or the Botanika. The CityGalerie moves according to the vacancies, attracts new target groups and makes locations more attractive with art.

Temporary childcare - the Pöks

As part of the city centre action programme, the CityInitiative is running a childcare facility as a temporary use for the first time. In addition to upgrading the location, the aim is to make the city centre more family-friendly and to reduce competitive disadvantages compared to greenfield locations. Parents can let their children play and be creative in the hands of trained staff for up to two hours at Pöks. The offer is free of charge, low-threshold and aimed at four to ten-year-olds. Creative workshops and the music workshop of the Bremen Philharmonic Orchestra are also offered at Pöks.

CitySandboxes - square enhancement and family friendliness

Every year, the CityInitiative offers small city centre visitors a special highlight: with the popular CitySandboxes, the Ansgarikirchhof becomes a family-friendly meeting place. From 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Mondays to Saturdays, little from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., little builders and sand cake bakers will get their money's worth. A supply station offers coffee and cold drinks during playtimes. With the City Sandboxes, the CityInitiative is creating a place for families in the middle of Bremen's city centre and thus enhancing the quality of stay in the Ansgari Quarter. There is a contact person on site every day who hands out toys, accompanies the action and acts and supervises according to the valid Corona regulations. The CitySandboxes are aimed at children up to 7 years of age. Parents and accompanying persons are responsible for their own supervision and are liable for their children.

Spring gardens and urban gardening - the city centre goes green

Increasingly, urban development discussions are focusing on green concepts for city centres. The CityInitiative promotes these processes with temporary greening of squares or streets and the implementation of urban gardening projects. This upgrades locations or creates new occasions to visit squares. Greening also promotes a better climate.